Tuesday, February 15, 2011

spring has sprung

Spring is in the air. It feels like we finally peaked out of our winter burrow, rubbed our eyes from the bright sun, stretched our bodies in the warm spring air, and said "Ahhhhh!" Today the kids and I played out in the backyard. The last time we played in the backyard was on Thanksgiving! It felt so good to rediscover a new living space. The boys jumped on the trampoline. I dusted off the Mark II and had fun taking pictures of the boys. They actually were having fun taking pictures too! Usually they push the camera away like I'm the paparazzi. Meara came out a little later and joined us. Earlier in the afternoon she puked in the backseat of the car. Poor girl! After a bath, some emergency laundry, upholstery cleaning, car seat hosing off, and a Barbie movie she was back to her cute spunky self.